Friday, December 14, 2012


I just wanted to apologize for not posting lately, I've been a busy little bee what with Christmas shopping, shipping, cleaning, carrying out my Mommie's assigned tasks, and medical stuff.  I've also been sick the last few days, and I was in yesterday to see the allergist about long term treatment of my sinus issues (allergic sinusitis.)  They gave me a pulmonary function test and determined that although there is no sign of asthma, my breathing function is way down and is probably a result of my heart condition.  However, they were unable to do the skin testing because I've had an antihistamine within the last week (I have to be off antihistamines for 1 week prior to the testing so that the reactions are not inhibited.)  So they scheduled the testing for next week, on the 20th, and I can't take any antihistamine until after the tests. I take loratadine (Claritin) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

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